SWiVL gathering
(Please excuse cross-posting)
Any academic librarians in the Eugene/Springfield area are invited to attend SWiVL gatherings the second Wednesday of every month. SWiVL is the Southern Willamette Valley Librarians, an informal group of librarians from all types of libraries that meets monthly for conversation and networking.
Our next gathering is this Wednesday, June 12, at McMenamin’s North Bank http://www.mcmenamins.com/353-north-bank-home On Club road in Eugene, happy hour specials 5-6pm. I’ll be there around 5pm until around 6/6:30pm depending on how conversations are going. If you are planning to come but will likely be there between 6:00 and 6:30 let me know and I’ll definitely stick around.
Please let me know if you’re coming on this Doodle poll so I can inform McMenamin’s: http://www.doodle.com/bnm9u826mufrvyg6
As always, come anyway if you’re suddenly available, and no worries if plans change and you can’t make it after all. Just want a rough count to give the restaurant.
Please forward to other lists/individuals as seems appropriate, and I hope to see you there.
Steve Silver