ACRL-OR Webinars
ACRL-OR regularly hosts webinars that showcase the experiences and skills of library workers in our region. Webinars are open to all and recordings are available. If you are interested in presenting as part of the ACRL-Oregon Webinar series, please fill out the ACRL-OR Webinar Call for Proposals form and we will get back to you.
Spotlight on Award for Excellence Nominees
Presented by: Kirsten Hostetler, ACRL-OR President and Central Oregon Community College; Sagan Wallace, Oregon State University; Cat Finney, Central Oregon Community College; Richenda Hawkins, Linn Benton Community College; Sarah Ralston, Eastern Oregon University; Tracy Drake, Reed College
About: In this webinar, ACRL-OR the nominees for ACRL-OR’s Award for Excellence which is our organization’s effort to recognize exemplary projects that positively impact local communities and can also serve as an adaptable tool or resource for the broader library community.
Antiracism and EDI Work — Where are Oregon Academic Libraries?
Presented by: Alma Plasencia, Adult Services Librarian/Bibliotecaria Para Adultos at Salem Public Library and EDI and Antiracism co-chair; Melisa Anderson, Campus Engagement and Research Services Librarian at Southern Oregon University and EDI and Antiracism Committee member; Emily Ford, Urban & Public Affairs Librarian at Portland State University and EDI and Antiracism Committee member
About: In this webinar, OLA EDI Antiracism Committee members will present survey results about Oregon librarians’ work engaging with EDI and antiracism and discuss next steps for our ACRL-OR community to continue this work.
Introducing the Information Literacy Reflection Tool
Presented by: Sara Robertson, Portland Community College; Michele Burke, Chemeketa Community College; Reed Mueller, Bushnell University; Kim Olson-Charles, University of Western States
About: This presentation introduces the Information Literacy Reflection Tool (ILRT), a metacognitive assessment that invites people to reflect on how they approach and use information.
Free Film Studies Resources for Academic Libraries
Presented by: Elizabeth Peterson, Humanities Librarian and subject specialist for Cinema Studies, Comparative Literature, and Theater Arts, University of Oregon
About: This presentation introduces a variety of freely available resources for U.S. film studies. Viewers will learn about finding credible background information on films, digital collections of primary sources, open access scholarly journals, and streaming video.
Speaking of Quality: Do Librarians and Instructors Assess Students’ Sources the Same Way?
Presented by: Elizabeth Pickard, Sciences and Social Sciences Librarian, Portland State University
Open Student Work with a Safety Net: Student Knowledge Production and Student Rights in Open Environments (8/20/20)
Presented by: Alyssa Berger, Danielle Rowland, Denise Hattwig, Laura Dimmit Smyth, and Penelope Wood from the University of Washington Bothell/Cascadia College Campus Library.
About: Working in open environments enables faculty and librarians to support students as knowledge producers and surface their diverse, often under-represented voices. Assignments created using open pedagogy can broaden the audience and impact of student work. But how do students feel about working openly? How can faculty and librarians support and advocate for students in open environments? This panel will share faculty, student, and librarian experiences with creating and supporting open student work. This includes the creation of a Statement on Student Rights in open environments, which centers student agency and encourages informed participation in open contexts.
Big Little Learning (8/7/20)
About: Summer series of seven presentations covering a range of topics. Presentations include:
- Small Scale IR for Community Colleges presented by Rowena McKernan (Whatcom Community College)
- #researchspeeddate: Think/Pair/Share for Online & Hybrid Courses presented by Chelsea Nesvig (UW Bothell/Cascadia College)
- I Bought a Laptop: Connecting Real-Life Experiences to Library Research in First Year Seminar presented by Lynda Irons (Pacific University)
- Changing Policies for Changing Times presented by Drew Jackson (Pacific University); Sarah Kirkley (Pacific University); Laura Baird (Pacific University); Lynda Irons (Pacific University); Angela Lee (Pacific University)
- Team Science: A Question of Support for Undergraduate Research presented by abby koehler (Western Washington University); Jenny Oleen (Western Washington University); Wyatt Heimbichner Goebel (Western Washington University)
- Co-CREATE Your Class: Fostering Student Agency and Inquiry in Academic Literacies presented by Caitlan Maxwell (Western Washington University Libraries); abby koehler (Western Washington University Libraries)
- Libros for Oregon – Collections Connect Communities presented by Presenter: Hannah Bostrom (Salem Public Library); Deborah Gitlitz (Wilsonville Public Library); Valeria Davila (Oregon State University Libraries and Press); Alice Perez (Multnomah Law Library); Mark Peterson (Mt Hood Community College)
Improving Library Tutorials: The Multimedia Design Principles (3/18/20)
Presented by: Darlene Aguilar, Instructional Design Librarian at Loyola Marymount University
About: Are you creating online modules, videos, or tutorials to teach information literacy skills? Whether designing instruction online or in-person, you must implement research-based instructional methods for successful learning to occur, and Mayer’s Multimedia Design Principles are the best place to start. In this session, you will better understand the relationship between memory and learning to differentiate between effective and ineffective multimedia with the guidance of 12 principles: multimedia, spatial contiguity, temporal contiguity, coherence, modality, redundancy, individual differences, signaling, pacing, concepts first, personalization, and human voice.
What is Quantitative Data Really Good For? Throwing Great Big Noisy Fusses about White Colonial Power Structures *An Ode to Ramona Quimby (1/30/20)
Presented by: Brooke Robertshaw, PhD, Assessment Librarian at Oregon State University
About: If you don’t know Ramona Quimby, through this presentation you will learn a bit more about her. If you do know her, you know she is all about justice and fairness, but sometimes context needs to be changed so we can get to that space of justice. Thus, this webinar will discuss how, as a society, we got to a space where we are using quantitative methods as a tool of oppression, how we can rethink these uses, and ways to think about research as activism. Data, like Ramona’s rain boots, should be shown off, but it’s much prettier when we can rinse off some of the muck of white patriarchal colonialism.
Data Visualization: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How (9/13/19)
Presented by: Negeen Aghassibake, Data Visualization Librarian at the UW Health Sciences Library
About: This webinar is designed to be an overview of the fundamentals of data visualization.
Critical Conversations in Collection Development (4/5/19)
Presented by: Damon Campbell, Acquisitions Librarian at the University of Oregon
About: Join us for a discussion on Collection Development and the factors that inform our policies. This participatory webinar is intended to give attendees insight into the CD work of their colleagues, share their experiences, and discuss successes and challenges in CD. Bring your own collection development best practices, successes, and struggles to the conversation!
Geek Out, Don’t Freak Out: How to Chill Out and Learn to Love Assessment (2/27/19)
Presented by: Colleen Sanders of Clackamas Community College and Meredith Farkas of Portland Community College
About: Assessment is such a valuable tool to help learn more about our patrons, demonstrate the value of what we do, and improve our teaching. So why is it so difficult to build an assessment culture in library instruction programs? Often, resistance to and anxiety about assessment come from common causes that have been both discussed in the literature and illustrated in our own experiences. Meredith and Colleen will talk about their experiences working with nascent assessment programs at their libraries, the projects they’ve worked on, and what they’ve learned from trial and sometimes error. They will discuss ways that librarians can move past resistance and anxiety to reap the benefits of an assessment culture.
Critical Library Management (1/11/19)
Presented by: Candise Branum, Director of Library Services at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, and Molly Gunderson, Access Services Manager at Portland State University
About: Oregon libraries work to meet the information needs of our communities, a mission that is dependent on teamwork. Library managers are tasked with leading, supporting and developing the teams that serve our communities. Social justice and critical theory are frameworks that are often discussed within library practice, but are only starting to be applied to library management practice. The more we discuss social justice, the more apparent it is that inclusion and equity are essential aspects of library management. The goal is for audience members to think critically about their own management practice and consider ways of improving equity and in their own organizations.