Reminder: Request for Proposals – Oregon Information Literacy Summit

A reminder to submit proposals before March 4, and please excuse cross-postings.

The 10th annual ILAGO Information Literacy Summit will be held May 21, 2016 at the Central Oregon Community College campus in Bend, Oregon.
Proposal Form for 2016 ILAGO IL Summit

The theme for this year’s IL Summit is “Collaboration,” but we invite a variety of presentations related to information literacy. The theme of “Collaboration” could take many forms, including collaboration among different types of libraries/librarians (e.g. academic, public, school), across the curriculum, and/or examples of successful outreach and collaboration between librarians and external stakeholders. Though public, school, and academic libraries serve different populations, we still all have one goal in common: to provide support to our users in order to help them be successful. One way we can do this is through the collaborative relationships we build within our communities. When librarians are able to collaborate with teachers or instructors, and certainly with each other, students reap the benefits.

The IL Summit typically has 60-80 attendees who come from many areas of practice (higher ed, public, K-12) and are eager to hear new ideas and ways to approach information literacy. We invite you to submit proposals for panels, presentations, discussions on best practices, and other programs.

Programs should be designed to run for a total of 45 minutes including Q&A; longer programs/workshops will be considered on a case-by-case basis (if a longer program/workshop is desired, please include that in the Comments field).

Program proposals will be accepted until March 4, 2016.

Please submit your proposals here: ILAGO IL Summit Program Proposal

Please visit for more information on our organization.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Lisa Tegethoff
ILAGO Chair 2015-2016

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