post-Pack Forest
The ACRL Washington board put on another great conference this year! I was knocked about a bit by a nasty cold while I was up there so I can’t say I enjoyed myself as much as I usually do but even through my cold-haze it was a pleasure to be out in the woods talking with colleagues sharing stories and expertise.
This year, the ACRL Oregon Board joined the Washington board on Wednesday before the conference. We had a joint meeting of the two boards and shared a lovely meal together. It was a great start to what we hope will be more cross-border communication between the two boards.
We had a really nicely attended membership meeting where we covered a lot of topics. The major items for discussion were this blog (please volunteer to be a liaison!!) and the theme for the upcoming Menucha conference. Keep your eyes open for a quick survey about that.
Have Pack Forest reports/photos/stories to share? Post them in the comments or contact me or Diane Sotak for an account on this blog!
The UnConference on Friday morning at Pack Forest was interesting. In a two hour block, attendees volunteered to broach a topic for discussion or an issue/problem for feedback. Each took about 20-30 minutes and would end when no one had anything else to say about it. Joe Janes from UW iSchool also moderated and kept it moving along.
I found myself longing for a little more structure and prioritizing on what was discussed, but it was a good intro to the “unconference” realm. Later I found a blog that goes into much more detail on attending and hosting an unconference at: