Act now! Reduced preconference fee for LIS students

Attn: Future Librarians

The fee for ACRL Oregon’s preconference Managing Vendor Relationships has been lowered to $45 for LIS students!

Register at the OLA website (A button is being added for students in the form, but if you encounter any problems, please contact Jane Scott.)

Rice Majors (Emporia SLIM alum) has gathered a top notch group of presenters and he and Rachel Bridgewater (another SLIM alum) will be moderators. The presentations and discussions will add to your working knowledge of the interplay between vendors, library software, and libraries.

Information-seeking behavior of library vendors
Rice Majors, University of Colorado
Robert Allen, bepress
Marjorie McLaughlin, Innovative Interfaces
Partnerships with vendors: case studies & lessons learned
Steve Casburn, Multnomah County Library
Steve Shadle, University of Washington
Future of library vendors: new sorts of partnerships
Carl Grant, Ex Libris
Andrew Pace, OCLC
Neal Block, Innovative Interfaces
When is a vendor not a vendor?
Margaret Mellinger, Oregon State University
Margaret Bean, University of Oregon

The preconference is on Wednesday, April 6th from 9-4 pm at the Salem Conference Center. And after the preconference, you are invited to mix and mingle at ACRL Oregon’s reception from 5pm – 7pm.

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