ACRL Oregon Programming & Social Hour @ OLA Annual


PRECONFERENCE: Managing Vendor Relationships (Wednesday, April 6th from 9-4 pm at the Salem Conference Center):

Rice Majors (Emporia SLIM alum) has gathered a top notch group of presenters and he and Rachel Bridgewater (another SLIM alum) will be moderators. The presentations and discussions will add to your working knowledge of the interplay between vendors, library software, and libraries.

Information-seeking behavior of library vendors
Rice Majors, University of Colorado
Robert Allen, bepress
Marjorie McLaughlin, Innovative Interfaces

Partnerships with vendors: case studies & lessons learned
Steve Casburn, Multnomah County Library
Steve Shadle, University of Washington

Future of library vendors: new sorts of partnerships
Carl Grant, Ex Libris
Andrew Pace, OCLC
Neal Block, Innovative Interfaces

When is a vendor not a vendor?
Margaret Mellinger, Oregon State University
Margaret Bean, University of Oregon


SOCIAL HOUR (Wednesday, April 6th):

Mix and mingle at ACRL Oregon’s reception from 5:00-7:00pm at Bentley’s Grill (conveniently connected to the Salem Conference Center)!


All Textbooks on Reserve in the Library! (Friday 2:00-3:30pm)

* Using grant money, in the fall of 2010, Portland Community College Library tried an experiment at its Cascade Campus Library. It established the goal of the library having at least one copy of every required text for every course taught at the campus that fall. The concept was that putting the texts on reserve might reduce the environmental impact of students buying books, and it would provide immediate access to the texts for students waiting for financial aid.

This program will be in two parts- a ‘how we did it’ and a ‘what happened.’ The ‘how we did it’ will give details on how to manage such a project and lessons learned, and ‘what happened’ will present data on changes in circulation, gate count, and anecdotal evidence from the students.

Just Mash-it Up – Cool Tools for Collection Management (Thursday 11:00-12:30pm)

* Data mash-ups (data sources pulled together to create new useful information) can be developed on either the local library level or by professional library groups to suit the needs of collection development librarians. Mash-ups are increasingly easy to produce and can be useful in working with faculty, informing collection analyses, and providing additional information during journal cancellation projects. Laurel Kristick (Oregon State University Libraries) will discuss an OSU project using Journal Citation Report and SHERPA RoMEO data to facilitate discussions with faculty to help them make informed decisions on depositing peer-reviewed journal articles in their ScholarsArchive@OSU. Robin Paynter will discuss the ACRL EBSS Psychology Committee Task Force project she lead which developed a new data-rich methodology to create the latest edition of the Committee’s longstanding publication, Core Psychology Journals.

Repackage! Repurpose! Aggregate! Leveraging Free Content (Thursday 4:00-5:15pm)

* Attendees will learn how the free online Web Services ResearchRaven and ScanGrants were constructed using a modest amount of outsourced Web design help and free Web 2.0 tools (e.g., Twitter, FeedBurner, various social bookmarking services) and what it takes to keep such services running vis-à-vis staff time for data entry, quality control and marketing. Attendees will learn about how to leverage the massive amounts of free content put out by such entities as foundations, professional societies, disease advocacy groups, conference organizers, academia (and in coming years more and more data disgorgement by the federal government) in order to create free library services that can be shared with patrons, other libraries and with the broader world.

Ready to make the most of the coming data deluge as the federal government prepares to release data from across the scientific and public policy spectrum? Make your library a trendsetter in the development of free online services and see them adopted by libraries worldwide. Learn from the developer of ScanGrants and ResearchRaven how you can become your own startup and take back for libraries some of the space that Silicon Valley has captured in recent years. Let’s geek together and learn how easy it is to make cool services that serve the public and advance learning, scholarship and science.

They Blinded me with Science: Qualitative Research (Friday 8:30-10:00am)

* Go beyond the standard patron survey and implement qualitative research methods, like focus groups, as collaborative research tools that can result in rich and nuanced patron data. But don’t stop there. Discover and practice strategies to quickly move projects from qualitative data gathering through preliminary data analysis to prioritized project recommendations. Learn to evaluate project data in terms of the funding and internal or external collaborations needed to move projects forward.

Watzek Rocks: Marketing the College Library (Thursday 2:00-3:00pm)

* Interested in better promotion of the Lewis & Clark College library, the Watzek Library Marketing Team was formed in 2004 to coordinate outreach to our primary clientele of undergraduates and faculty. Building on the team’s successes and with the subsequent creation of a librarian position with focus on library advancement activities, the library’s marketing approach continues to evolve. Additional constituencies, including staff, alumni and donors, are included and there is a developing partnership with the college’s division of institutional advancement. This session will discuss Watzek Library’s marketing successes and learning experiences and showcase our promotional materials.

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