New Intellectual Freedom email list
Breaking news from the Libs-Or list-serv about a new Intellectual Freedom email list!
Library staff as well as scholars, academics, debate coaches and others with a professional interest in intellectual freedom are invited to join a new email news list: ola-ifc email list
This list will provide a forum to share news, information, and resources related to intellectual freedom. For example, the OLA Intellectual Freedom Committee and the Oregon State Library maintain a database of news articles about book challenges and other intellectual freedom issues in Oregon: Intellectual Freedom Issues in Oregon News Database. New content is added to this resource twice a year, which may be of interest to instructors who assign writing topics related to banned books, as well as others in the library community.
This ola-ifc email list is maintained by the OLA Intellectual Freedom Committee in cooperation with the Oregon State Library. To send an email on this list, address it to
Please extend this invitation to teachers, scholars, writers or others in your community who may be interested in receiving intellectual freedom news. Here is the link to subscribe: ola-ifc email list
Feel free to contact us with questions or comments.
Thanks and best wishes,
Roberta Richards and Garnetta Wilker, OLA IFC co-chairs
Roberta Richards
Faculty Reference Librarian