Check In with Location Based Mobile Services: Foursquare and Libraries (E-learning Workshop)

ACRL-Oregon is very pleased to announce its sponsorship of the second in a series of ACRL National E-learning workshops to meet the continuing education needs of librarians statewide. The second workshop of the 2010 series will be:

Check In with Location Based Mobile Services: Foursquare and Libraries
People everywhere are “checking in” using Foursquare and other location-based social networks from their mobile phones. This interactive webcast will explore this trend of geo-based mobile/social gaming and its impacts on libraries, information engagement, and learning. Learn about the most popular location based social technologies including Foursquare, Gowalla, and MyTown, and become familiar with their uses and features. Discuss how to most effectively use and leverage location based social networks for libraries to enhance library spaces, services, and collections. See demonstrations of the technologies themselves to enhance group engagement and hands-on learning.


When: Tuesday July 20, 2010 (doors open 10:30am | workshop 11:00am-12:30 pm | discussion/networking time 12:30 – 1:00pm)

Where: Oregon State University, Corvallis the Valley Library  Autzen Classroom (2082)·    
Directions to OSU Campus:·       
Directions for your mobile phone:·        
Parking:  Free parking is available on streets around campus, however on campus parking requires a permit.
Parking map:· Visitor permits may be obtained at any one of the ten ‘Pay & Display’ stations located throughout campus. The cost for a daily permit is $7.00 for the day or $1.00 an hour up to a maximum of four hours. Visitors may park in student and visitor lots only for the day the permit is purchased. There is a new visitor brochure Visitor Brochure, which contains pertinent information for visitors.

Who: *Any interested parties are welcome to attend the live event!*

Lunch: Brown-bag!

Questions:  Margaret Mellinger (541.737.9642 or


ACRL-Oregon Members will also receive the archived workshop URL shortly after the live event, so members who are unable to attend the live event can view its content 24/7 from anywhere!


July 13, 2010      Marketing Ideas That Work in Academic Libraries: Pecha Kucha Presentations
This webcast, offered by ACRL’s Marketing Academic and Research Libraries Committee, will provide basic hands-on marketing strategies for academic librarians.   Learn about practical ways to market your library and hear from academic librarians who have won national marketing awards.
Location: PCC-Sylvannia

September 14, 2010   
The Not-So-Distant Librarian: Online Library Instruction to Engage Students and Faculty
Learn practical tips and tools for designing, implementing, and assessing online library instruction in this ACRL Webcast.
Location: Southern Oregon University

October 19, 2010
      So You Want to Create an Interactive Information Literacy Tutorial?
Learn about the experience creating an interactive information literacy tutorial from beginning to end in collaboration with a multimedia designer in this ACRL Webcast.  Evaluate the potential of tutorial as an assessment tool and an opportunity for self-evaluation.
Location: Chemeketa CC

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