Seeking Suggestions for 2011 Johannah Sherrer Memorial Lecture

The Aubrey R. Watzek Library at Lewis & Clark College seeks your ideas on possible speakers and themes for the 2011 Johannah Sherrer Memorial Lecture in Library Service.  The Sherrer Lecture series was established in 1999 by James J. Kopp to commemorate the contributions and legacies of a respected friend, colleague, and champion of service. […]

*FREE* Webinair: So You Want to Create an Interactive Information Literacy Tutorial?

The last webinair of the 2010 series is fast approaching! EVERYONE is welcome to attend the live session @ Chemeketa Community College Library (details forthcoming) – ACRL Oregon members can also view the archived webinair afterwards. Hope to see you there!   October 19, 2010 So You Want to Create an Interactive Information Literacy Tutorial? […]

Check In with Location Based Mobile Services: Foursquare and Libraries (E-learning Workshop)

ACRL-Oregon is very pleased to announce its sponsorship of the second in a series of ACRL National E-learning workshops to meet the continuing education needs of librarians statewide. The second workshop of the 2010 series will be: Check In with Location Based Mobile Services: Foursquare and Libraries People everywhere are “checking in” using Foursquare and […]
