Congratulations to ACRL-OR Professional Development Scholarship recipients!

ACRL Oregon and Scholarship Committee are happy to announce two recipients for this round of the Professional Development Scholarship. They are:

Serenity Ibsen, from the Pacific Northwest College of Art. Serenity will be attending the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) annual conference as a director representing the Association of Independent Colleges of Art & Design (AICAD). While there, she will attend workshops on cultivating critical, reflective, and radical pedagogical practices in art librarianship.

Additionally, knowledge gained from attendance at ARLIS/NA will help Serenity as a member of the accreditation team for her college to develop a systematized information literacy plan.

Stephanie Debner, from the University of Western States. Stephanie is attending the 2018 Institute on Supporting Clinical Care, where she will learn more about evidence-based clinical practices (EBCP) for health science librarians. Having a strong understanding of this topic is essential step towards learning how to meet student needs and skill acquisition.

Stephanie will apply the experience of what she learns to the classroom and one-on-one student teaching.

Congratulations again to Serenity and Stephanie!


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