ACRL-OR Board Position Descriptions

Overall Board Composition

The Board of Directors shall consist of the following voting members:

  • Elected Officers (President, Vice President – President Elect, Past President);
  • Elected Members at Large (4);
  • Appointed Positions (Communications Coordinator, Community Colleges Representative, Legislative Representative, Public Universities Representative, Private Colleges Representative, and the State Library Representative).


The Board of Directors shall have responsibility for the direction of the affairs of the Chapter. It shall conduct all business pertaining to the Chapter, and shall have authority between meetings.

The Board of Directors may authorize standing and ad hoc committees. The Board of Directors may discontinue or declare inactive any committee.

In the event that any elected or appointed Board member cannot complete his/her term, the Board shall appoint a member to fill that position.

Elected Officers, Position Descriptions

Appointed Officers, Position Descriptions
