Electronic Book Readers and the Americans with Disability Act

The U.S. Department of Justice reached a settlement with three universities, including Reed College, concerning the use of ebook readers in the classroom. “Under the agreements reached today, the universities generally will not purchase, recommend or promote use of the Kindle DX, or any other dedicated electronic book reader, unless the devices are fully accessible to […]

CLIP tutorials

As your terms are starting out, take a look at the Cooperative Library Instruction Project’s website (http://clip-il.wetpaint.com/). CLIP is creating information literacy tutorials that are not university specific and can be used by instructors and librarians anywhere. Currently we have tutorials on topics such as “Incorporating Sources into your Research Paper,” “Generating Search Terms,” APA […]

Sherry Buchanon (PSU) publishes an article in Interlending & Document Supply

Buchanon, S. (2009). Interlibrary loan is the new reference: reducing barriers, providing access and refining services.  Interlending & Document Supply 37, 168– 170. Abstract – This paper aims to describe new technologies affecting discovery and delivery and to examine how the explosion of full text sources is pushing interlibrary loan staff toward new roles.
